
The Antidote


06-12-2015, 10:52 PM

Nysa was very much welcome into his personal space whenever she felt it necessary, he was more than comfortable with her being close. She didn't waste any time in bringing her form closer, as he slowed she rubbed her form across his massive side. He'd enjoy the motions, but neither wolf would ever go that one step further. His moral code was less than astounding but there were some very hard lines he was unwilling to cross. Arctic gaze took her in as the smaller she wolf made her way over his form, the woman stopped at his side taking in the landscape much like he had moments ago. The whole world was at their toe tips, they only needed to decide what it was they wished to disrupt next. Nysa questioned him slowly, eying him sharply with her perfectly sculpted features. Though he'd follow her gaze carefully, taking in the cold landscape laid out before them. "Learning the land." He'd answer simply, they'd conquer the world eventually but if they wished to succeed they needed to start small. "We need to find out where these packs are. Eventually they could prove to be.. amusing." He'd caught a quick whiff of two at least. This was a big continent, likely there were many more than what he'd briefly scented.