
Beneath her skin[PRIVATE]


04-04-2013, 06:12 PM


Finally the mammoth dame came into view. Dehydration was swallowing her whole, it was obvious she was disoriented and in desperate need of water. Her body was sucked up except for her growing belly, eyes sunk into her skull, her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth. ?I feel as if the pups are sucking me dry.? "They are. They will only continue to suck everything from you until you're completely dry." He wondered if she had ever carried a litter before, she didn't look like a whore, but then again, looks could be deceiving. A devilish lady killer like himself didn't look like a psychopath on the outside, but he was one! Can't judge a book by its cover. He watched her fall onto her haunches, and from there dropping to lie on the ground. ?I cannot take this heat much longer. I fear the safety of our young if I do not find liquid time soon." His mind wandered for a moment. What would happen if she lost the litter? She wouldn't be in heat until her next cycle, a year away. He couldn't risk it. "Come, we will find you water, but not here. We need to leave the territory." It was true, there was nothing left here for them, at least not until the drought was gone. He took a few steps toward the border, his muzzle pointed toward the direction Wolf Paw Lake was in. She would enjoy it there.