
The Antidote


06-13-2015, 12:43 AM

She did not hesitate in really grabbing hold of his flesh, her grasp was undeniable and he wouldn't easily be able to shake her. Nysa could really shake him though, as his jaws fell over her ashen fur she thrashed her head to a fro. He'd lose his loose grasp as she only gripped harder, piercing his skin with her movement. Another growl, louder this time, rose from him as a result of her action. Again she tried to force him down, pushing against hi m as she gripped tight. She should have known that he wasn't about to so easily let her push him into the sand. A snarl rippled across his features as he dug his claws into the sand and pushed back against her. He try to shove his chest into her smaller frame, while he sought purchase on the scruff of her neck. He'd seek to use his size very much to his advantage over her. "You still think you'll win in a shoving match?" He'd ask through what would hopefully be his hold on her scruff, pulling her away from their close combat.