
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-13-2015, 01:47 PM

As Rhythm sidestepped sideways and rushed past so that Cas' shoulder struck her hip - causing a mild bruise of her own on the point of Cas' left shoulder when it struck bone - and her teeth sank into the girl's rump - a grip she immediately released in favor of attempting a better one in a more strategic location - Cascade curved her body and pivoted on her forelegs so that her hindlegs swung to the right, spinning like a dog chasing its tail but instead of chasing her own tail she was chasing Rhythm's. She sought to line the center of her chest up with Rhythm's left hip.

With her stomach moving away from Rhythm's attempted shoulder strike already, the jab lightly tapped her immediately behind her left-side ribcage halfway down. It would bruise, but mildly. Rhythm's teeth wouldn't close on Cas' spine either, but rather opened long, moderate gashes along the front of Cas' left hip starting just under her protruding hip bone. Her paw did not fare so well, with Rhythm's paw stomping down on Cas' right forepaw as she pivoted around it. Scraping her claws along Cas' foreleg drew welts, but also lessened the power behind the stomp, so when the smaller and lighter woman's paw landed upon the outer toes of Cas' right forepaw and mashed the toes, only moderate bruising resulted rather than fractures.

Cas answered Rhythm's growl with a low, wild laugh. Keeping her weight centered and evenly distributed on all four limbs despite the blood that dripped down her leg, her joints loose and her knees and elbows bent to lower her center of gravity. Head and tail both hovered level with her spine, and her shoulders hunched forward. Her chin tucked down to protect her throat, her hackles raising, and her ears pressing back as her eyes narrowed. She spread her toes, tentatively on her right forefoot until she decided the pain was not so bad as to prevent it, and drove her nails into the ground for grip.

Shifting her weight to her hindlegs she sought to rise up in an attempt to slam her sternum down on the top of Rhythm's hindquarters right behind her hipbones with the intention of causing painful bruising along the lower spine and pelvis. Her forelegs sought a grip around Rhythm's hips - her left foreleg attempting to grip in front of Rhythm's left hip, and her right foreleg seeking to hook over Rhythm's back to grip in front of Rhythm's right hip in an effort to jerk the lighter woman toward her and align her hips directly in front of Cascade. Simultaneously she sought once more to fasten her jaws around Rhythm's spine, this time midway between Rhythm's shoulders and her hips, with Cas' upper teeth aimed for the right side of Rhythm's back while her lower teeth sought to dig in on the left side with the intention of cracking the vertebrae though, at this point, she wouldn't be upset if her teeth managed to whoops slip and cut the spinal cord.

She kept the toes of her hind paws spread to balance, claws dug in and her knees bent to lower her somewhat, and her spent arched to give her leverage against being pushed over backward.

CASCADE vs RHYTHM for RANK (et uxor)
Round 2/3

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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