
A changed alliance


04-04-2013, 07:15 PM

Home seemed to be a little quieter now. There was no ebony beast stalking her from the shadows, waiting for his chance. But in the end he had gotten his chance, he finally got his claim over her, and in return she reclaimed her freedom, no longer tied to the beast as his mate. And now he resided at Alpha male of Lentajin, ruling beside his queen, Newt. As far as she knew only a few others knew of his abandonment. Jupiter, Newt and herself. The only wolves present at their little unexpected meeting. She had returned to Tortuga alone, carrying only the would be offspring of Kaios, only time would tell. She had searched for her Alpha, but one wolf searching such a large area turned out to be useless. So settling down at the base of the mountain, she tossed back her skull and called. Her melody filled the air, calling for the Alpha of Tortuga, Kaien. She was well aware that Morphine was the second Alpha, but for now she wished to speak to Kaien first. She felt as though he needed to know that one of their wolves had changed packs, unannounced. She waited quietly for him to come, mulling over past events, that she could only shake her head too. She was getting to old for half this shit that she dealt with. Her first litter of pups and now another? Being forcibly claimed by a wolf who could only be described as the devil himself. Hopefully in the next life she'd get some peace.
"Talk here."