



04-24-2013, 06:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It had been some time since she had seen her first real friend here in Alacritia. She never did end up finding out what had happened to him when they had parted ways, her for home and him to make himself comfortable out in the wilds a while longer. Summer had been generous to the north, however, and Merci was sure that he had survived the early months of it, but had grown curious the longer time had passed, and even possibly concerned knowing winter would be upon them sooner than they thought. Still, it was hard to get away from pack life, holding a job as hunter amongst the pack while still taking the time to learn from Asheni when she could spare a moment to teach her. Little by little the knowledge of healing was being transferred to her, and she could feel the small arsenal of plants and herbs at her disposal growing into a fine weapon against all manner of ailment. It filled her with pride and purpose to know soon she might be able to put her skills to the test, but she was truthfully in no rush. It was better to have no patients than it was to have to treat the sick and injured left and right. The quiet time enabled her to be sure of her knowledge well before she needed to put it to use.

But her thoughts had been turning to the small white wolf as she had wandered around the pack's territory, searching the forests for familiar plants that Asheni had pointed out to her to memorize and learn. Twice already Mercianne had been able to spot the first plant she had been introduced to - horsetail - growing amid the trees, and it was a good feeling to be able to identify them from where they grew and not where they had been placed before her, plucked and on their way to join Asheni's stores of herbs and plants. Her feet had continued to wander though, further outside the reach of the pack's boundaries until she coursed a winding, unfamiliar path through a forest made of tall, redwood trees. She found her eyes looking upward into their branches more often than she was looking around their bases for the plants she had set off to find, distracted by the way their heavy limbs managed to catch most of the snow as it fell from the skies. It was actually quite lovely to watch.

Lost amid the trees, ignoring her purpose and watching the snow fall overhead, Mercianne roamed the forest, content and quietly pacing about as she admired the trees and the silence.

[Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: spx4z8.jpg]