
Peace of Mind



5 Years
06-14-2015, 01:20 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could have almost laughed when Jakart commented upon her use of fangs in the initial stages of their union. Using them had not been the first thought on her mind either when she had decided to act on the impulse her body was giving her. It had been the nervousness and anxiety that had grown alongside her desire that made her act harshly and needlessly dominant. What she had asked placed her in a considerably vulnerable position, one that she recalled all too clearly being used against her before, and she had not wanted to take that same risk again. It had only been a means of precautionary self-defense, but it obviously had come across differently. Rather than answer, Callisto bit her tongue, feeling she had said enough already and fearing that she would again say too much if she tried speaking.

The arrival of the cat came perfectly timed, however. No sooner had she gotten upright, the inquisitive male was moving closer, drawing nearer to take a seat beside her. She could practically feel the question bubbling up, taking shape just before it could be spoken, and the distraction the cat provided stopped it from being asked. There was a tiny relief in that - Jak seemed very interested in all the hard, difficult questions that she had no idea how yet to answer - but really the irritating feline was just annoying in a new way. The cat's bold, cheeky question had been just another way that the creature had crossed a line, and she was even more sure of it when the male next to her responded in another version of his pitiful, despairing voice. Could nothing go right?!

She ignored both the cat and the wolf to get to her feet and pace just a short distance away, her tail lashing irritably as she went. A low, grumbling growl issued softly from her muzzle, her lip still curled, and her pale, silvery blue eyes clenched shut. This was stupid! She had acted too rashly, jumped into something that she had not given enough thought to, and now she was left to reap the consequences. Only, she realized, she was not the only one partly responsible for this mess. "You know, you could have said no if this was such a big issue," she snapped, turning her head and directing her words at Jakart. Like hell was she going to let him get away with making her feel like the bad guy in all of this. He had made a decision too.

Too curious about the conversation at hand to interrupt, the cat merely watched, brows raised, and shifted her golden eyes between the two quarreling lovers.