
l'inverno è noioso

Motif I


4 Years
06-14-2015, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2015, 03:49 AM by Motif I.)

Motif would definitely feel approval as he changed his swimming tactics as she asked he wasn't elegant yet by a long shot but he was showing more efficacy and fluency in his movements. He got out of the warm water quickly and shook himself out before coming over and doing exactly as she asked. She had to give him points for his quick obedience and eager attitude to learning, it made all of this easier. She watched him with his little pink tongue out, concentrating on his movements as he attempted to do exactly as she asked. He wasn't moving perfectly but that she could already see the start of improvement told her his way would work for him. She was glad, because she wasn't certain of any other ways to create muscle memory.

"Your doing really well star, if you can stick to these exercises I can promise you, you will see improvement in yourself" she said happily before she sighed and stretched.
"Now you can keep up with that or go back to swimming until your legs tell you it's enough and then you should relax in the warm water, it will do your muscles good. Heaven knows it's pleasant on my back, it's not easy carrying around all this extra weight " she joked, looking happily at her bulging belly. She definitely had a sunnier outlook on this pregnancy then the last. With With a happy sigh she eased herself back into the hot spring, content to watch her new pupil from there.
