
Game Over



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-15-2015, 09:17 AM

There was an edge of restlessness to Cascade. Generally she was content to remain in Imperium with the kids, with Valen and his pack but there were days when the dissonance of her current life clashing with the gypsy life she'd led from puphood gave her a moody turn, gave her the need to see other face and other places than the three lands and the dozen-and-a-half wolves Imperium laid claim to. She didn't even go far, though the pups were almost a year old now and didn't actually need her to stay close by them. All she did was step over the border and she was there, in the one land always certain to soothe her restlessness. It was easy to lose your thoughts in the whirlwind of a fight, easy to drown the restlessness in exhaustion. She caught the sound of a fighter calling for an opponent nearly the moment she crossed the border, conveniently, and followed it to find a ghostly male with orange-yellow eyes at the end of it. She paused a fair distance away, about four body lengths, a faint grin lifting her lips to tug at the new scar across the top of her muzzle, to see who it was she'd be fighting. Oh, this one she recognized. The big white male had appeared at Valen's little to-do recently with the intention of fighting the even bigger alpha, though she couldn't recall the outcome of that. The male was no taller than she was, and with a similar build he wouldn't outweigh her by much either. A pity. Not as much of a challenge as Valentine, but maybe it was for the best. Far more wolves were closer to this male's size than Valen's and it wouldn't do for her to focus all her skills on learning to fight a far larger opponent and neglect to practice on ones her own size. "Cascade Saxe," she offered from her position. If the world was going to keep throwing them together they might as well know what to refer to each other as, even if it was only in their own heads. 'The white male' did wear thin rather quickly, after all. She slipped into a fighter's stance, indicating to him that she was ready when he was.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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