
let yourself in (YFIR)


06-15-2015, 10:44 AM

So this was to be their new place of residence. Just fine, he thought. While Hypnos was not exactly thrilled to be in the cold, he would make do. His mind would wander while he listened to Katja speak, listening to her go on about what was expected of them. Currently he was ranked as a Karl, a regular member, though the young man hoped to prove himself and become a better rank. Not that hunting was a rank without its respect... No. But perhaps he could find something more suited to his tastes.

Training would need to be done among themselves, and Hypnos would glance at those present. He wasn’t sure how much he trusted any of them. Aside from Karpa himself. But hey... He would make do with what he had. His gaze would then settle on the slate male who spoke up, and Hypnos would find his voice, his sea green eyes aglow with determination.

“I know next to nothing about these lands, and a guide to them would be most appreciated. A spar too would be wonderful, if you’d find me a worthy opponent.”


Art by Tea