
No where to go


06-15-2015, 07:57 PM

The female had never been more shaken in her life then when she met her third child face to face. A child she thought was dead. That... That should have been dead. The fox that stole him away... She would shake her head. To think he had almost been lost to poison as well... And unknowingly! The woman would shudder. She just couldn’t fathom what had happened. Why it happened. Why now, of all times, she might be able to see him again. The woman would heave a small sigh. “Gods above...” She whispered.

She was heading back to Secretua’s old lands. Where she had last seen Ravine. She was sure everyone else had moved on by now, but some small part of her hoped to see him again. That somewhere the young man lurked. She would search for his scent, finding that of a stranger as well. A pack wolf. Akemi would feel a knot in her stomach as she lifted her head.

Soon she would come across the two, catching the tail end of what the female was saying. She wouldn’t offer any words, no, not yet. Her single eyed gaze would fall on Ravine though, waiting to be noticed. If she would be noticed at all.

Table by:: Tealah