
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-15-2015, 09:18 PM

Her narrowed gaze never left Cascade's form, with her ears still pulled back against her skull and her hackles still reaching for the sky her defenses remained set. She'd suck the air into her lungs as her breathing increased with exertion, her attacks all landed though not quite like she had intended. Cascade was already moving away as Rhythm attacked. Though the chocolate girl would try to remain close to her opponent's hind end. Her shoulder barely touched Cas's stomach and Rhythm would take a page from her opponent's book. As her foot stomped on the other woman's toes Rhythm would want to put 70% of her weight in her front two limbs as she attempted to pivot her rump away from Cascade's chest 90 degrease to the right.  While Rhythm perpetuated their circling she felt her teeth sink into flesh and a satisfaction would rise up within her chocolatey chest as she tasted Cascade's blood.

Her growl was met with an insane laugh, and more than ever she wanted to avoid those snapping jaws. Thankfully she mostly would. With her chin tucked and her shoulders rolled forward her weight would redistribute through her four legs evenly. Knees were bent and her toes splayed as she gripped the earth with her claws. She'd not been able to really grip at Cascade but her lips were drawn back to show off her canines with a snarl as soon as she'd been released. With her head slightly raised she'd align her tail with her spine.

As Cascade lifted herself to slam down on her back Rhythm's pivot would remove her from the majority of danger. Cascade's chest slam would land on only air, and Rhythm's smaller form would slip from Cascade's awkward grab. Though as she slipped past she regretted not tucking her tail between her legs as she felt teeth collapse over the front of her tail. (roughly 4 inches from the base) She heard bone crack, two of her tail vertebrae beneath Cascade's teeth would break. She couldn't help but cry out in pain, but as quickly as she felt the agony it was drowned by the adrenaline.

Feeling a new rage boil in her stomach Rhythm wouldn't hesitate in returning the favor. Viciously the Destruction would want to leap for Cascade's tail. Opening her jaws Rhythm would seek to close them around the other woman's tail base. Lower jaws beneath and upper jaws above Rhythm would attempt to clamp down and bite through the bone to sever the appendage from her opponent's body. At the same time Rhythm would want to slam her whole left shoulder into Cascade's left leg where she'd given her a bite wound earlier. Hopefully causing more pain and more damage to the already open wound. With her left front paw Rhythm would want to use the momentum in her slam to stomp on the outside toes of Cascade's left near foot, again wanting to hear the sound of breaking bone.

Cascade v Rhythm for Rank (Et Uxor) round 2 of 3  

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