
Now I'm running for my life



3 Years
06-16-2015, 06:31 AM
There were indeed people out there that he cared for, some of them the very reason he was in this mess in the first place. As for getting better for them, there was no such luck, this was something he couldn't just overcome and they were better off without him. It was a fact that had probably been true from the very start though only now was Soliloquy truly aware of that fact himself.

He could scream and shout these truths at this ridiculous woman but something told him she wouldn't listen nor did he really want to waste his breathe on arguing with her any longer. Life may have dealt her an unfair hand at some point but it didn't mean to say she had any right whatsoever to now run around assuming things and telling him what to do with his life.

Another growl resounded in his throat, a deep warning this time, hackles prickling as moved to face the woman head on. His stance widened, his balance settled evenly amongst those paws and knees bending to lower his centre of gravity. His tail and head both flicked into position to align his spine, his shoulders rolling forwards and chin tipped down to protect his throat. His ears pinned back against his skull, eyes narrowed and as his lips curled into a vicious snarl the skin around his features wrinkled up further to protect them. If it wasn't clear already he'd had enough of talking.

It was risky getting into a deep, meaningful conversation with Soliloquy at the best of times, now he was hardly one to have a heart to heart talk with anyone, certainly not a stranger who thought they possessed all the answers. He was going to make the little know-it-all pay and hopefully prevent her assuming she could change peoples lives. His destiny was set now, there was no way she could change it much as she couldn't change her own now.

Suddenly he shot forwards to try and close the distance between them, he would step slightly to his left, Akemi's right, and his weight would shift to his front left and two back as he came to a stop, the front right paw lifting and bending to try and strike the middle of her throat with the front of his ankle. He hoped to momentarily close the windpipe with his attack to leave her choking and struggling for breath for a moment; that would certainly silence her ramblings.

He would aim to try and bring his front right paw down again and striking Akemi's toes on her front right paw as he did so. He hoped to potentially break a few bones there at least leave her with some bruising. Once the paw had moved back to the ground, he aimed to redistribute his weight so that he was once again balanced on all four paws.

Using his height to his advantage, Soliloquy then attempted to lean over Akemi to place a bite just on her right shoulder, aiming for the softer section just behind the joint. Teeth would hope to sink heavily into place and grip hoping to cause a deep wound creating enough pain and damage to possibly limit her movement of the limb for a while.


ooc: Sorry Keno, Sol's really not one for talking at the best of times. I'd like to be a little flexible with default times because of work and all. Let me know if you've got any problems with this/questions about anything.