
Doctor Doctor, Gimme the News



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-16-2015, 07:46 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2015, 04:41 PM by Esti.)
Ash can be skipped

From outside, Cascade tried to calm Esti, asking when she first noticed symptoms, if he had thrown up and other things. Esti shook her head. She didn't know, she really didn't know. He seemed fine yesterday, maybe a little runny nose, but that was normal this time of year. Cascade mentioned that there were no bloody tears, and Esti agreed, nodding at first, but then remembering the plague all at once. She remembered the female that had pinned her down, frothing and dripping blood on Esti in her rage. Esti had been so little. She was so scared. Her parents were gone, so she ran to Erani who, of course, couldn't heal it in the end. It was always the wolves that thought they were really something that turned out to be nothing but shit. In the end, it wasn't Erani that found the cure, but the fiery woman that later challenged and beat Erani. Esti felt like that defeat was good and just and she never saw the white "healer" again. She had good memories of Valhalla as a pup, but she would never have been a full member there, and she wasn't really sad to see it go. It was a place for food, and a place she thought she could go when she was afraid, but after suffering in the den with countless others, she lost all faith in the place and all its members and moved on.

Rhythm was the next to speak, saying it was the flu and rattled off things they would need and why. Esti stared blankly. She wasn't a healer, so why was Rhythm explaining this to her and not actually going and getting the things? Esti glanced at Cascade, maybe she knew of these herbs. The healer also suggested keeping him away from the pack and that he would be better in- "A FEW WEEKS?" she repeated in surprise, "Don't you mean days, Rhythm? Weeks sounds like kind of a long time and all." Esti challenged the healer, but even she knew she wasn't actually looking for a fight. She was just indignant because her son was sick, "If you think it's gonna be weeks, you're gonna have to stock me up on these herbs, you know."
