
Peace of Mind



5 Years
06-16-2015, 01:32 PM
Jakart pressed a paw against the moss and let his claws rip across the vegetation, not sure how to really respond to the ebony and grey female. The cats arrival made the conversation even more awkward. The male stopped his idle movements at a horrifying thought. What if the feline had been watching? Callisto's distancing of herself from him however brought him back to the matter in front of them. The she wolf wasn't leaving however, speaking that this was also his fault before turning to regard him with glaring gaze. Jakart stood and took a few steps towards her but stopped, allowing her space. The silence while he thought nearly got to him, mulling over each word carefully before he spoke. "Performing as a male isn't a big issue. The big deal is after, after when the pups are born and must be fed. Raising and protecting ones family. The one important thing is if you want to stay and deal with the consequences of such actions. And that frightens males." He wouldn't leave her if the tryst had resulted in offspring.

The healers admittance to using an anti conception herb to prevent pups still not lessoning his resolve despite she had simply been using him. "The moment I stood over you as one and held you in my paws I thought of what could come and prepared myself accordingly. So no. It's not a big issue." Jakart shook his head and brought himself right next to her, whispering so the cat couldn't hear. "I don't mind what you did. You had your reasons. Just be honest with me from now on." The grey male stepped away and cast a glance at the feline. It felt like he should leave now, but he'd wait and see what course of action Callisto would take next now that he had made a few things clear.