
Dear Baby

Motif I


4 Years
06-16-2015, 08:04 PM
Motif woke in the early hours of the morning to find her side cooling, her living heater had vanished on her. She sighed and stretched and blinked lazily into the very early light as she wondered where Shai had gotten to. She didn't dwell long, he could have popped out for a bathroom break, to go hunting or perhaps to take Shaye on some early morning activity. Instead of letting that take presidance in her mind instead she would cast her eyes down to her growing belly and gently place a paw across her heart, close her eyes and listen for a heart beat or moment. She had to wait a few moments before she felt that stirring, that little shimmer of life inside of her that melted her heart. She moved her paw to find that spark of life, her eyes still closed.

“Hey baby” she whispered softly, letting a smile slip across her muzzle. Her belly was small for how far along she was and she was certain she was only going to have one child through that was uncommon for a wolf. It was a mothers instinct that perhaps was right on that aspect, if not others. “My sweet little boy. Your going to even up the numbers you know, so poor Shai wont feel quite so ganged up by the girls in his life” she teased gently. “I wonder if you will like healing too, or maybe you'll take after your mumma and prefer physical activities like running and spars. I think you'll break little girls hearts before Shaye even knows what a boy is” she added in, and chuckled, through a single little tear would slip past her guard, a tear of love and affection for the little unknown growing inside of her.