
Kissed By Silence



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
06-17-2015, 04:08 AM
(( XD No it's fine, I'm not exactly the quickest at making replies... in case you couldn't tell.))

Soft rose would meet cerulean and Hymn shifted nervously. He was getting used to the slightly uncomfortable fluttering in his stomach but he was still confused by it… and more importantly he was worried about the as of yet unknown female. He had a basic understanding of differences in height; how could her not when towered over his whole family? But even so he still operated on the assumption that if he didn’t fit no one else would.

“Oh no… I am fine. I think…” That did little to put Hymn’s fears at ease. What if she tried to move and she actually was stuck? Then he’d have to crawl under there and try to help but what if he got stuck too? Would they be stuck in the underbrush forever? He only barely registered her explanation why she was there in the first place, instead focusing on the absolutely and totally possible idea of having to live his life under a bush. His mothers would have to push mice under the brambles just for him to be able to eat! And what would Psalm do without him?

Finally movement snapped him back to attention and any dismal futures he had thought up for himself were instantly banished. She was wiggling her way towards him and as she approached the edge of where he stood he back up slightly and settled upon his haunches. Her name was given and a stumbled offer of a nickname. "I like Ana." He laughed kindly. "It’s a very pretty name."

The boy rocked back slightly, fixing the girl with his brilliant gaze. "I’m Hymn Destruction…" He trailed off thinking for a minute. "There isn’t really a way to shorten that, not unless you just say hmmm." His brow furled at the last sound, putting on a caricature of one who was thinking too hard. He had used to call himself that hadn’t he? Before he had been able to sound things out fully.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3