
I Wanna Know



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
06-17-2015, 04:30 AM

There would be little time to rejoice in successfully flipping his brother over as concern would fill up the twins. As Hymn cast a brief glance at Psalm it seemed that he and his brother very much shared the same thoughts; not an uncommon theme for the pair. He’d catch his brother’s brief nod as the unknown boy spoke again and all of Hymn’s attention was pulled straight back to the pale stranger.

He’d frown at the other yearling’s words, clearly not wholly true but Hymn decided he wasn’t going to push any further. The boy didn’t have to explain anything to them and he could respect that, they were after all perfect strangers. Still that wasn’t going to stop Hymn from trying to cheer the yearling up!

The unknown boy took a few steps towards him and Hymn grinned down at him, resisting the urge to just smother him in a happy embrace, again something he’d probably not want from a total stranger. Hymn’s tail began to beat the air again and he did his best to appear as non-threatening as possible, he may have looked less than friendly from a purely physical standpoint but the clearly nervous boy had had the great fortune of being met with two of the most harmless wolves he could ever hope to meet… or at least that’s how Hymn looked at it.

 "My name’s Hymn," the boy began and casting a playful smirk at his brother he introduced his twin as well, "he’s Psalm." As if suddenly remembering his manners he spoke up again: "It’s nice to meet you!" And of course for the friendly Destruction it was, any new meeting was a chance at new friends!


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3