
Grave of the Fireflies


06-17-2015, 01:27 PM

Winter was hard in the North... But it was only hard because he was lonely. Vereux would show him around, and they even had a spar. Perhaps soon, Hypnos hoped, he would become a full fledged member of the pack soon. Something more than just a mere Karl was his hope. But there was more on his mind too. Mystic. He was glad he had come when he did, in enough time to help her father fight off the stepfather of Mystic’s mother. He hated that mountain lion... The one who had hurt young Annette. Poor dear. She didn’t deserve anything that she had gotten...and Mystic hadn’t either.

He was walking in the east, making his way slowly down towards Mystic’s family. He was taking a detour as well, but in a way he was also making the best choice in his path. He would hear a familiar voice and his ears would perk, blinking with surprise. Mystic...? Mystic! His heart would pound in his chest as he quickened his pack towards the scent of water.

That was where he saw her. Body the edge of the water, having been closer to him than he thought. Thank goodness she had spoken aloud or he might have wandered off past her. He would give a soft sigh, approaching from her right to stand beside her.

“Mystic I... I’ve missed you.”

"Mystic Speech," "Hypnos Speech."

Lineart by:: Otackoon on DeviantArt