
Hit it with your big purse



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-17-2015, 09:51 PM

Esti felt her teeth click closed over air after skimming over Valentine’s left ear. Suddenly, the male sidestepped to Esti’s left, causing the woman’s nails on her right forepaw to simply scrape past the brute’s right foreleg’s ankle. She quickly pulled her right forepaw back and placed it on the ground, balancing herself and her weight with the new addition. As if he was some psychic, Valentine moved to counter her shove, but the lack of momentum caused his left shoulder to thud pretty gently (for an attack) against the upper part of Esti’s chest, just below where her neck met her chest, earning the woman a nice sized, though light, bruise through the thick fur and skin.

Esti pulled herself together by her defenses. She quickly tucked her head back, rolling her shoulders to scrunch the fur and skin over her bruised chest. Her lips pulled back, face scrunching, and eyes narrowing for the protection of the face and eyes. Esti pulled her ears tight against her skull as her head and tail leveled out to align with her spine, her hackles maintaining their fluffed-and-spiked presence along her back. With all four paws on the ground, Esti checked to make sure her weight was distributed evenly, bending her knees for support and flexibility.

Their closeness killed any advantages the two held against each other, so Esti sought a new vantage point by crouching down to roughly half her height. She quickly shifted her stance wider to even out her weight and keep her balance steady. In doing so, her inner left forefoot toes would only be grazed by Valentine’s left forefoot claws, causing light, minor scratches to match the ones on her right foot from earlier. With her decision to duck, came the reward of having Valentine’s bite graze just at the tips of the fur on her head, just over her left ear, which was tucked safely away from the sharp fangs.

With Valentine’s assault over, Esti once more had a window of opportunity to attack. She attempted to lift her left forefoot, aiming to immediately redistribute her weight to her other three legs, and claw down the lower half of Valentine’s left foreleg, seeking to stomp on his left forepaw with her left forepaw. She hoped to draw Valentine’s attention downwards, because she was going upwards. Esti tilted her head upwards and to her left, flinging open her jaw and aiming to strike upwards and to her left, like a snake at Valen’s middle throat, before it filled out to his shoulders, but not directly under his jaw. She sought to grip his neck, her upper jaw over his windpipe, squeezing it from his left just enough to not do any serious harm, but to tip the battle in her favor. With the rest of her force, Esti attempted to twist her body and ram the front of her left shoulder into the left, flat side of Valentine’s left shoulder, hoping to redistribute her weight beforehand so that, with the momentum of her twisting body, she could use her back legs to fuel the attack like a batter pitching a ball. Esti sought to give him a stinging trio of attacks that would lead her to victory in this spar; a spar he was sure to remember.


Round TWO of TWO
