
Here without you baby



6 Years
Extra large
06-17-2015, 11:07 PM

Glacier couldn't help but imagine all the things the two of them could do with the freedom of living together. No longer was it a journey to see her and never again would they have to worry about time when it came to their outings. He could take her to wondrous sights, they could watch the sun set and she could fall asleep in his arms beneath a starry sky and she would be safe she would always be safe with him. He couldn't be entirely happy with the change however as he worried about how the change might effect her. The biggest part of that was her family, he knew she was adaptable and simply moving to a new home wouldn't faze her, but breaking the news to her family and potentially leaving them behind was asking a lot of her. It asked in fact, more then he was willing to take and it was only because she offered it no just so freely but with determination that they considered it.

As he worried, she would move forward to rest her soft cheek against his and he closest his eyes and let out a soft breath, her presence instantly calming to her and he enjoyed the feel of it, of the one he loved being beside him. She moved away from him and he opened his eyes again to look into her golden pools. “Of course, if that is your wish, it would be good for them to know who it is your moving in with, too...” he added in, realizing he would be both meeting her family for the first time and taking her away from them in one fell sweep. They might not think well of him and he did not want to alienate her family with a hatred for him – he would have to do his best to show them he loved Anais and wanted only to give her the world.
