
Fish Are Friends Not Food....Wait....



2 Years
Dire wolf
06-18-2015, 12:39 PM
Dark eyes narrowed as the time rolled on, tail slowly swinging from side to side behind her large frame, starting to become slightly annoyed with the wait. She would be able to see the creature begin to make its way out, head coming from the darkness and looked up to her with large golden eyes, ears pinned against its skull. Right away, before it even spoke, the lioness would realise what she had come across. Her head tilted as she examined his facial structure, taking notes on how it was similar to the canines back home, minus a colorful pelt. This was one of those animals that male had told her about, canines that were similar to the wild dogs and pretty much populated these lands. What were they called again? Wuuulvez?

Thinking about this, her expression had changed from one of annoyance to something along the lines of neutral, calm and thoughtful with a dash of curiosity. The animal's voice broke the females thoughts however, blinking her eyes a few times to zone back in on the situation. English wasn't her strong suit but she felt that she knew enough for basic conversations, or at least was able to pick out certain words then imagine what was trying to be said. For this... she squinted as if it would help, keeping the action faint so that the animal didn't know that she couldn't fully understand it. Something about wanting, a question perhaps. And the second part, eating, do it.

Her features hardened as she stared down the canine, purposely leaving a long pause after it had spoken, trying to test his bravery. If you could call it that. "Want... eat." She finally spoke, voice holding a strong, foreign, african accent. The lioness took a step forward, head lowering to stare the creature dead in the eye. Slowly her claws would unsheath, lips pulling back and allowing her tongue to run over her fangs. She wanted it to appear that she was still hungry and would aim to possibly nibble on him a little bit, a cruel joke but it wasn't like she really would after finding out it was possibly one of those wolves Hyder told her about. There were questions she wanted to ask, things she wanted to see and learn about. He would be sticking around for sure, whether she had to force him or he was too scared to run away.