
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-18-2015, 08:51 PM

Rhythm evaded her attacks, rabbiting around like one of the orchard's little cottontails. As the Destruction girl pivoted away, Cascade allowed herself to drop back down to all fours, savoring the taste of blood as her attack fell on Rhythm's tail and she drew back to solidify her stance as Rhythm completed her turn to bring them face to face, left shoulders nearly beside each other with a short distance between them. (ooc: double checked with Kat, she agrees that this would be their approximate position at this point)

She set her legs just over shoulder- and hip-width apart, the wider stance to set her balance and make it more difficult to push her over... not that the smaller woman would find that an easy proposition. Settling her weight nearly evenly on all four legs - favoring her left rear leg just slightly as the blood oozing from the wounds slicked her fur down and the muscle weakened from its loss - her joints kept loose for freer movement, elbows and knees bending slightly to lower her center of gravity. Her toes were spread wide, the claws digging into the earth. Her tail was flagged hip-height, while her head dipped down to level out her spine, pulling back slightly as her shoulders hunched forward to bunch up the scruff of her neck. Her chin tilted down to protect her throat, her hackles raising and her ears continuing to press against her skull. Her eyes narrowed, but her jaws gaped in a mad grin at Rhythm.

The brown-coated girl charged forward with a fury that only widened Cascade's grin. Rather than allowing her to charge past as she so clearly desired, Cascade sidestepped to her own left, shifting so that her left shoulder was ahead of her right and the point of her left shoulder aimed for the space between Rhythm's chest and the front of her left arm and she set her stance as strongly as possible in the hopes of Rhythm's forward momentum forcing the smaller woman to smash herself against Cascade's shoulder rather than Cas' injured hip, intending to cause as much damage to the joint as possible. (COUNTER) Her shift sideways to prevent Rhythm's passage meant that Rhythm's bite clasped into the thick roll of skin over Cascade's shoulders rather than the base of her tail and sunk in to cause moderate puncture wounds. The sideways shift caused Rhythm's paw, aimed for Cas' left rear paw, to miss completely since the paw was not only to the left of it's previous position but still far back.

Turning her own head to her left she aimed to clasp her jaws around the side of Rhythm's throat at her jawline, her lower jaw seeking to hook beneath the jaw while her upper fangs sought to sink into the top of Rhythm's neck behind her ears with the intention of crushing off Rhythm's air supply and choking her out. Rocking her weight onto her other legs, she simultaneously sought to lift her left forepaw and bring it down onto Rhythm's right forepaw's inner two toes as Cascade rocked her weight back forward, hoping that bringing her weight down on them in that manner would fracture the toes.

CASCADE vs RHYTHM for RANK (et uxor)
Round 3/3

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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