
I'd Give You the World



4 Years
06-19-2015, 05:03 AM

Still a Prologue, always a Prologue. It seemed she hadn't progressed very far since her last scholarly discussion with her father, and she had promised herself that she would pursue her hunting goals. Fortunately, she had kept some of her training going in the meantime, participating in every hunting opportunity she could grasp. A while back she had been successful bringing down large prey with the undeniable cooperation from the rest of the pack as well as hunting with unfamiliar faces at Threar's recent festival. She frowned at the thought, allowing a long sigh to escape her tight lips. Had she improved? In her mind, improvement was just rising in the ranks, not challenging her personal best. As embarrassed and guilty it made her feel, perhaps she was just confused with it all. Who was best with these issues? Ah, she knew just the wolf. They needed more time together, her and her father. It was about time he caught up with her progress; he had to be wondering about it.

What perfect and coincidental timing; she was close by, instantly hearing his call. Wasting no time with her arrival, she advanced through the trees to eventually stride into a small clearing where he waited. At the sight of the chocolate male, her eyes lit as she scampered towards him with a smile, stretching her neck over his in an affectionate hug. Clearly, she hadn't outgrown her father's kisses, and so it wouldn't be long before she would be showered with his love. "Father," she greeted calmly after gently pulling away, giving a wag of an elegant tail. "How are you? It's been a while since we've conversed, unfortunately."
