
Here without you baby



5 Years
06-19-2015, 03:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais nodded her head, certain that Glacier understood the significance of what she was asking him. There was more to it there than simply standing at her side as a source of moral support, and even more still than just getting to see her family and learn their names. It was a peace of mind that could only be given to them in this way, an opportunity for her brothers and sister to see who it was that she was going to be with and understand just from watching the two of them that she was not making a wrong decision. The golden girl wanted her family to be as confident of her choice as she felt, and having Glacier there, to even speak his side if he wished, seemed the surest way to do it.

And he agreed. She smiled again as she realized it, relieved to know he would be there and nervously excited to see how he would interact with her family. They were the most important wolves in her life, the ones whose opinions she valued the most, and she still wanted desperately for everyone to be happy. Herself included. "I think the sooner I tell them, the better," Anais muttered, clinging to the certainty she felt about her decision to fight off most of the anxiety surrounding the telling of the news. Going through with it was the only way she was going to be truly happy, and for that she needed not to lose her nerve. She drew in a deep breath and released it slowly, steeling herself, and with a nervous smile at Glacier - the wolf she loved and hoped to be with above all else - she got to her paws and turned with a step away, pausing just long enough to be sure that he would follow as she led the way back toward her family's temporary camp.

-Exit Anais-
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.