
Bringing home the Misses



6 Years
Extra large
06-19-2015, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2015, 04:09 PM by Glacier.)

He would offer her anything that was in his power to give, and that included her own little space on Donostrea soil, a place of privacy to call her own. Of course, he also wanted to be around her and hoped even as she had her own space to go to if needed she would choose for the most part to spend her time in his. Just to be in her presence, to sleep beside her and nothing more. The Titan gave her a little bit of space as she looked about his cosy little den – bigger then most to accommodate Glacier's size but otherwise fairly simple and cozy. He had given her a lot to think about and wanted to give her a moment to take it all in. This was her home now, a place to feel safe and comfortable and that included having her own little sanctuary.

He chuckled softly when she asked if there where any near by. He had intended more for it to be a place for her to go to when she needed a break from him, through that contradicted his own desires to be near her all the time. He would not deny her, if she wished to be close to him he would only grip her that much tighter. “Of course, I choose a little bit of a secluded area to hide out in” he said, grinning at her as he moved closer and bumped his nose against his shoulder before starting to exit his den. He lingered in the hall way and nudged his head upwards and then downwards. “There's a den opposite mine or to the side on the left empty” he would explain, giving her a chance to explore both.


Art by Arin