
Don't Think I Don't Think About It



9 Years
06-19-2015, 10:17 PM

It had been quite sometime since Rin had been here. This was the last place he could remember being after his departure. To get away from the life that had fallen on his miserable shoulders. He wondered if his family was still around, the boy not having scented them at all as he passed through his old pack lands. It seemed as if they had disappeared, their scents no longer around. He had wandered into his old den, where he and his brother and his mother had lived. He felt like a ghost there, everything he had known, gone. He had even gone to the place where his brother and sister Irune had played in their snow den, the memory of their pact seemed like a distant memory, a dream that would never be reached. Sadness welled up inside him, his childhood had been mixed up. He was loved by his mother, his brother, his sister. On the other hand, his Father had seemed to ignore him. The boy only wanting to grow up in admiration of his father, but that ceased to exist fairly quickly.

He came to the pool of water where he last remembered seeing his mother. His heart ached for her, for the love that he'd probably never get back. Was she doing well? Was she happy without him? What about Kyung? Did he hate him for leaving? Rin had made a promise to always stay by his families side, but he had failed in that promise. He had to get away, to figure out his purpose in life. And the longer he had been away, the more he missed his brother and his mom. He only had one family in this life, and he felt ashamed for having left them behind without so much as a whisper.

Rin sighed, seating himself by the pool of water and staring into its crystalline depths. He could see his own reflection, defeated, sad, miserable...hurt. Could he ever face them if they crossed each others path? He had so much doubt, so much fear...he was afraid they would hate him. Reject him the way Isardis had rejected him. The night sky filled with stars, some seemed to be blinking out one by one as if they too, were abandoning him. What had he come to? The decision he had made to leave was by far one of the hardest, and he only hoped that his family would welcome him...though he knew that would be a far-fetched idea.
