
your love is all I need to smile



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

06-20-2015, 10:18 PM

Tiburtius sighed as he lounged outside of the den he had slowly begun to move into near his mother's den. He and his brothers were all so large that it had begun to get crowded in there with both of his mothers, his adopted little sister, and whoever of his brothers decided to sleep there. It was admittedly hard to part with the den he had called home for quite a while now so he still snuck in there at night from time to time, but he knew he needed to start moving to his own den. That didn't mean he had to move far away from them though!

No matter how far he was it still felt awfully lonely. To top it off it was hard to keep himself away from Arivae. He was so afraid that he would start getting on her nerves that he tried his best to give her some space. He wanted to be more active in the pack or do something or spend time with his brothers... but none of those were really as appealing as seeing his friend. He kept telling himself that she needed space to settle in and meet other pack members and that kind of stuff.

No matter how much he told himself that though, he still felt himself rising to his paws and trotting toward the den she had made for herself. He just enjoyed her company too much to resist. He wasn't really expecting what he saw when he got there though. Tib heard her laugh first, the sound making his ears perk up, and then he spotted her tiny black form mostly buried in a pile of snow. He stopped and tilted his head to the side curiously, but her sheer joy made him grin. After a moment of consideration he bounded forward, his large paws and long legs making it so he crossed the distance in a few noisy strides. Then he leaped into the pile right next to Arivae... and sent all the snow flying in a flurry of snow flakes. He blinked and looked at the flakes as they drifted back down around them and saw that his massive size had basically destroyed the snow pile his friend had been playing in. His ears flicked back and his looked to her apologetically with a goofy grin.

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