
Dance with the Devil



04-05-2013, 12:03 AM

[ooc: sorry for the change from first to third person. I got tired of first person xD]

Golden orbs watched the boy constantly flickering over his red form. His scent was odd. It smelled of female and a pack, but she hadn't been outside her own pack to even hear of any of the others, much less know what they smelled like. She just knew that he was a pack wolf because she was at least aware of what loners smelled like. She watched him smile. It seemed he was reassuring her. She was unlike most pups. She'd learned to be careful early and not stick her nose into business that could get her killed like most pups did. Or at least she tried. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest decision to come here of all places, but she wouldn't be considered a kid if she didn't take some risks.

Her head cocked sideways as she listened to him, suggesting that it was probably a better idea if she followed his instructions and did it herself. He had, after all, put the plant on himself. It couldn't be bad, right? Still, she was really unfamiliar with plants, and putting one in her mouth wasn't an ideal thing. Then again, her paw getting infected wasn't exactly wanted either, especially since she was so far from home. I couldn't hurt to follow his instructions.

She watched as he went over to a plant with berries on it. Intrigued she watched him for a moment before she got up and padded over to the green plant, keeping one ear trained on him. She paused for a moment, studying the leaves before grabbing three of the biggest ones she could see and then began to crunch them up. She grimaced at the odd taste. She thought that wolves weren't supposed to eat plants. Or even chew them for that matter. So it was just odd to her.

She applied the paste in time to hear him finally introduce himself. Ridding he tongue of the taste finally, she turned to look at him. Gold eyes strove to meet green as she took a seat by the green plant she'd applied to her cut. Ears flicked forward. She supposed she needed to give him her name as well. It was only polite.

"My name is Xenios. Call me Xen if you like. What pack are you from?
