
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-21-2015, 11:49 PM

Rhythm wouldn't let her guard down even once, eyes still narrowed at her opponent and ears slicked back to her skull. Her hackles were raised all down along her back and her chin tucked as she evaded most of Cas's previous attack. Knees bent, stance widened, and weight evenly distributed through her limbs. Her head was lowered with her shoulders scrunched to help protect her neck. Her spine would align with her tail, though holding the appendage up would cause pain to course through her as she was reminded of her wounds. With toes splayed and her claws digging into the ground she'd try to leap at Cascade in retaliation.

As the purple hued woman moved Rhythm wouldn't hit her like she'd intended. The broad part of her left shoulder would meet Cascade's raised left shoulder. The impact of her attack causing moderate bruising to blossom forth from the muscle. When her teeth clasped around Cascade's flesh she knew she'd hadn't reached her intended target and would release immediately for fear of retribution from her opponent's jaws. Rhythm would redistribute her weight as her paw came down on nothing but the earth, she'd regain her bearing as Cascade returned once more her attacks.

Rhythm's face would turn quickly with as much force as she could muster as she sought to counter Cascade's bite. With Cascade's jaws wide open Rhythm would pull back her lips and extend her jaws as far as they would go as she sough to slam her jaws into Cascade's before the woman reached her own chocolate neck. Rhythm aimed her top right side of her jaw at Cascade's top right side of her muzzle and jaws while Rhythm's lower jaws sought Cascade's lower right side jaw. Rhythm wanted to break her opponent's teeth and stop Cascade's attempted bite.

At the same time Rhythm would rock 80% of her weight to her hind legs as she attempted to rear up and grapple Cascade's neck. Her left arm aiming to come around cascade's left side while her right arm would want to come around Cascade's right and her paws would meet at the woman's shoulder blades where Rhythm would attempt to dig her splayed toes and claws into the other woman's shoulders to solidify her grasp. As a result of her lifting her front paws Cascade's toe stomp would miss completely.
Cascade v Rhythm for Rank (Et Uxor) round 3 of 3  

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