
Test Your Luck



5 Years
06-22-2015, 02:17 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

If she had offended him by not remembering his name, he hid it well. He seemed actually quite tolerant of the fact and merely offered his name to fill the gap in her memory, though as he said it the spark of remembrance flared. Jakart. That was right. Jakart, warrior in training, one of a many from a rather large family. Or at least that was what her memory recalled. She had nothing to offer him in return - clearly he knew her name already - and so she remained awkwardly quiet, still fuming a bit below her cold exterior.

Somehow whatever patience she never had wound up with him. Despite her slight outburst, Jakart remained cool, composed, and a great deal more helpful than she expected him to be. The look she gave him was easily incredulous when he offered to help her locate the mysterious plant she believed to grow in the thicket, appearing entirely unfazed and simply doing his part to help her when she needed it. Callisto could not understand it. It would have made more sense if he had snapped back, offered a smart remark, and then left her to her sour mood alone. But instead he was trying to help her?

His reaction - or perhaps lack thereof - irked her, and it took a lot for her to not snap once more. No, she did not want his help to find a plant that she was only hoping existed. She did not want him to be endlessly nice and patient while she lost her cool and could not offer any niceness in her current state at all. It was a strong feeling but one she could not figure out how to put into words, nor could she properly express it. "I don't know what I'm looking for," she repeated, ever the pessimist and refusing to think otherwise. "I don't have a name for it, or know what it looks like. It might not even exist." And with her luck, that was probably right. "I'm just looking for something new."