
Round and Round

Katja the First


8 Years
06-22-2015, 09:31 AM

It had been some time since she had lost Yfir to Virgil Olympus, and so some time since she had seen any reason to acquaint herself with the packs that resided on this continent. She still didn't in general care about any of the others anyway, but she found it... useful to know who led them and where they claimed land. Useful to know if they were warriors or cowards, many or few, useful or... not. So leaving her pack to settle within their new snowy home she set out on a trek south, seeking out the closest pack to Yfir's newly claimed territory. Her nostrils flared slightly as she drew in the scent upon the border. Not much had changed here, it seemed. Cataleya's son still ruled this pack, though it seemed his territory had greatly expanded since she'd last come this way, though she knew that Cataleya herself and all her other children had been driven out of the lands, two of this alpha's own siblings having been blinded in the war Kassander had begun. She didn't know if he knew what had happened, but she knew that either way it was best to keep that close to her chest and not overplay her hand. Stalking the border of the territory, remaining hidden on the outside of the border, she ghosted along its circumference to gauge the size of the land they laid claim to, and to learn more of the pack.

Reaching her starting point once more she seated herself just outside the border, staring into the pack lands silently and just... waiting. Waiting to see when, or if, a border guard would come along to challenge her presence there. Waiting to see if her presence might attract the alpha himself. Testing their vigilance and their responsiveness, because after all... Yfir would be set free upon these soft southerners on spring's birth, and knowing these things she would know where to direct her raids, and where to avoid. With this pack so close to her own it would be unwise to provoke them if they were a powerful pack, but if they were not their proximity would be a great convenience for the vikings.

"Talk" "You" Think