
Everything Will Change


06-22-2015, 11:12 AM

Concern. That was what rose in Allen's chest as he moved himself from the den. Starling had seen to him, thank the gods, but now he needed to seek out Bass. Still the man seemed... absent. Ill perhaps? Allen felt worried. His friend couldn't be doing too well... things in Abaven had been far too quiet. The man felt as though everything was off since his encounter with Arbitro. His son had left him reeling. His remaining child did not want him dead... but a reminder of the pain he had caused had needed to be given. It left him feeling confused... and hurt. His mind too was on Nona... how she was doing. Mainly asleep within the den most of the time.. his worry for her grew as well.

A deep breath was taken by Allen as he came to a stop outside of Bass' den. He prayed that the other man was inside. They needed to talk. Desperately needed to talk. Things... things had to change. Something had to be done. But was Bass even well? What would happen to Abaven? So many questions stirred as Allen spoke out, calling the other man's name. "Bass?"

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah