
Round and Round



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
06-22-2015, 11:14 AM

Ashmedai was hunting! Okay, he and his mom were hunting. Okay, his mom was hunting and he had just tagged along. He had the food now though! Just as his mom almost killed the rabbit, Ash grabbed it and took off. He heard his momma behind him telling him to drop it but he didn't. He was sure he was gonna get in trouble later, but maybe if he told her he was really sorry, she'd let him off the hook. She usually did. Though his momma looked tough, she was a big softy soft when it came to him, a fact he was beginning to use to his advantage.

Large puppy paws slammed on the ground as the pup dashed and darted to avoid his mother. It was hard, because she was big, but it was a little less hard because he could duck under things and she couldn't. The boy kept running, a snow hare hanging from his maw, not quite dead yet. It flopped with every step and was honestly a little hard to run with. Maybe if he dropped it, he would run faster and his momma would find the food and eat it and be less grumpy and not punish him!

Dropping his catch, Ash sped onward. He ran a good couple of steps before he realized his mom was right in front of him. Ash skidded in the snow, flopping onto his back and tucking his tail in submission. He closed his eyes as he slid closer, waiting for the punishment. The punishment wouldn't come in that moment and Ash's eyes would flutter open, realizing his momma wasn't his momma at all, but an entirely new woman! She didn't even smell like this pack! Springing up, Ashmedai sprung into action. His tail wagged behind him as he looked to the new woman, keeping his ears back and a slight distance between them. He wasn't scared, it was just his instinct. He looked at the woman, panting lightly from his run, "Hi! I'm Ash! That's short for Ashmedai! Are you new here? You smell new! You should probably see my dad- oh wait- are you one of his girlfriends? Vana says he has a lot! My mom is one of them, but she says she isn't. That makes me kind of a leader because I have a leader daddy! I... think he would be mad if I let you in, so maybe stay right there." Ash sat, his rump hitting the ground with a solid thud as his tail began to throw snow behind him, "What's you're name, anyway?"


Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.