


04-05-2013, 01:02 AM
OOC Name: Akante
How did you get here?: word of mouth
Age: 19
PvP: Realistic

Character's Name: Rita
Age: 2yrs
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: Large
Appearance description:
A heavily-built female with a sturdy body, Rita still does her best to work her feminine charm. Perhaps it's that glisten in her eyes, or the angle of her smirk, but there's something about her that lures in others' gazes. The first thing most might notice when they encounter this female is the confidence in her stride. Despite her rather full figure, with her torso rather muscular and her legs taut, she might initially give off an air of intimidation. But the cool and alluring manner in which she conducts herself aims to dissuade others from pursuing these thoughts. Her maw is a bit blunt and thick, but that doesn't affect her smile. In fact, it allows for a particularly-strong bite. Dull gold eyes shine brilliantly in the right sunlight, and her ears are long and slender. Her fur is rather scruffy around the nape, underbelly, and the tail. In the right weather and during the right seasons, it can be well-groomed and kept, allowing her to look proud with a certain regality. However, there are times where nature just won't cooperate, and Rita might unfortunately appear unkempt. Intent on always presenting herself in the best way she can, though, the female tries her hardest to always mend any mishaps.

Her pelt consists of various greys, beiges, and a bit of white and black. There's some steel blue in there as well, but it's a natural steel blue, much like THIS kind of grey-blue.