
Push Push {Lady Lightning}


06-22-2015, 01:31 PM

"Kenjiiiiiii! Daddy Kenjiiiiiiii!" Her call would ring out through the trees as she raced along the woodland floor. Clinging to her back was her newest friend, a little flying squirrel whom she named Ayrox. He was neat! A beautiful shade of ebony with the biggest brown eyes she ever saw! He was adorable and she wanted to show her adopted parent nowww! The girl would frown, coming to a stop beneath Kenji's tree. To her dismay she didn't see the ocelot hanging there. "He's not here..." Disappointment would fill her little heart.

"He should have been here..." Keno would let her rump slink to the earth. Ayrox would glide down from her back, settling upon the thin layer of snow. "Maybe he went to hunt?" Ayrox would suggest. He didn't like the thought of his new friend feeling sad. She had been so excited just a moment ago!

Keno would give a frustrated huff, stomping her foot so suddenly that Ayrox would jump. "DADDY!!!!!! She practically screamed. Ayrox would cover his ears, giving a groan. Jeez! Was she about to throw a tantrum? Maybe this had been a mistake...

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'