
End of the world as we know it


06-22-2015, 02:16 PM

And I Know That I
I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper
And I Cross The Line
They didn't want to side with her. It wasn't necessarily that they were against her, no, but she had to admit she couldn't give them the sort of security an already established pack would. Akemi would dip her head to Alamea. "I can understand. It's alright." Gaze shift to each as they gave their answer. It seemed they were going in two directions for the most part. It was a shame... but perhaps this was for the best. Akemi would breathe in before she spoke up once again.

"I know not if I'll see any of you again any time soon... but know this. I respect and care for each of you. Wherever you go from here on out I wish you all the best, and my whatever gods you believe in watch over you. Be safe... my fellow Secretuans. I guess, at least for now, this is goodbye." She would manage to offer a small smile before turning away. She would not cry. Not here. She would miss them all dearly for certain... but she would mourn later. When there would be no prying eyes to see her form.

-Exit Akemi-


I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes
But I Could Never Leave Your Side
No Matter What I Say

Table by:: Tealah