
Round and Round

Katja the First


8 Years
06-22-2015, 03:35 PM

A frenzied din of a body crashing through brush and grass from the other side of the border heralded the approach of either a pack wolf or a loner less cautious than her being chased off. She turned her head to follow the sound, outwardly - and inwardly - unruffled by the racket. A gray-blue body burst out to slide to a stop before her, and immediately dropped into a submissive posture.

For a long moment Katja was able to study the wolf who'd flailed up to her, and this closer inspection quickly dispelled the first impression she'd drawn about the wolf. From his size she'd thought he might be a small adult, but the drawn-out, gangly body and over-large paws spoke of a growing pup rather than even an adolescent. His scent was overlaid with the pack's scent, so he was no intruder but rather a pack wolf. His eyes blinked open, filled with confusion as they met hers, and then suddenly something seemed to click with the boy and he sprang up and unleashed a torrent of words that laid back Katja's ears. But one thing caught her attention in particular. His father was a leader? A leader, or the leader? Was this boy the alpha's son or just the spawn of some lead warrior or healer? Her eyes were cool as she arched her neck to stare at him a moment before replying.

"I am Katja Finnvi," she spoke simply, withholding the knowledge of her rank and pack from the boy who seemed too young or too sheltered to recognize her scent as belonging to another pack, and curious about how long it would take for someone to realize the boy was alone on the borders with a stranger. "I am no one's woman. Who is your father?" Her words were meager in comparison to the boy's. It was strange, but she had not been around pups since she had taken Olympus and remade it as Yfir. Had Hypnos, and Natalya Olympus' other pups, been this young when she'd taken their pack? Younger? Older? She couldn't recall exactly, and this young wolf, this Ashmedai's unusually large size made it difficult to judge exactly how old he actually was. It made her strangely... saddened... a reminder that her family dwindled, rather than grew as it should. Her line of Finnvis would end with her - even if Kapra or Laufey chose to father children to continue Svanerna's line, without Auora to carry it on Anvarr's branch of the Finnvi family would end within Alacritis. And even Kapra and Laufey seemed to be reluctant to find a compatible female to bear Finnvi pups, so it was equally likely Svanerna's branch would end with them as well. To think that pups, who were useless for so long, could be so important to a pack's survival...

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