
Round and Round



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-22-2015, 05:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2015, 05:14 PM by Esti.)
M(?) for swearing.

Damn it, Ashmedai! Esti ran after the pup. She knew he had a lot of energy, but, by the gods or whatever, did he HAVE to always do things like this? He followed her hunting then snatched her kill. He always was quick to apologize and Esti didn't want to be too harsh on him, so most of the time he got away with it, but one of these days he was going to be in big troub-

"My dad is Valentine Imperialis! He's the strongest wolf in the world! He fought a bunch of everyone back to back and he's still okay! He's super big and tall like momma, but not as big as Angelus. Angelus is so big! If he wasn't my brother, I'd think he was a monster!"

What. The. Fuck.

"ASHMEDAI IMPERIALIS!" Esti barreled through the brush. They were close to the border, she knew, and that type of wording was not the type one used with someone they knew. Esti entered to see the darker woman sitting across from Ashmedai. While she didn't look harmful, Esti knew wolves could turn in an instant. She rushed forward and pulled Ash back by his scruff, meaning to be rough enough to startle him back, but not rough enough to hurt him. She have him a sharp look and her hackles raised as she growled at him. Oh, he'd get it later, "What. Did. I. Say. About. Strangers?" She bit each word, and Ashmedai tumbled into something of a submissive stance, fumbling an answer about how he was just talking to her, but she cut him off, "Not now, think about it first. You don't know her." She smelled of a different pack, and probably wasn't a threat, but Ashmedai had to learn. Not everyone would want to be friends and not everyone would play nice. Esti's heart thudded in her chest thinking about all that could of happened because of his carelessness. It scared her. It really did scare her.

Esti turned back to the woman, lowering her hackles, but not her guard. She stood between the woman and Ashmedai now, ready to defend him just in case, though she didn't think there would be much of a need for that, "I have to... apologize for Ashmedai. He's every bit of his father's son- social butterfly. I'm Esti Kigu. This is Imperium. I'm sorry, while I'm sure you were already asked, what is your name? Should I call for the alpha, or are you just passing through, maybe getting a bit... distracted by, you know." Esti shot a look to Ashmedai who had righted himself by now. Man he was gonna get it later.

As if summoned, Valentine showed up. He wasn't amused either. Lucky for her, she felt like she'd get an earful about that later. She shot him a look that clearly said, "come by later" and not in the 'I want to fuck you' way, but the more serious way that made a shiver run up Ash's spine. Grabbing Ash by the scruff, Esti hauled her son off his feet and snapped at his rump to get going, her dinner completely forgotten in the snow.
