
Round and Round

Katja the First


8 Years
06-22-2015, 08:31 PM

The child rambled on about his father and how big he was and how his brother was mostrously large, and Katja watched him impassively as he chattered. Valentine Imperialis, hm? She was saved from any reply by the sudden, angry appearance of a rather large female who jerked the pup back from her and bawled him out before babbling about the child. Katja simply regarded her skeptically. One would certainly hope the father wasn't so talkative as his child, or any future interactions would certainly be... unpleasant for Katja.

"Children will be children," she instead murmured politely, though she passed no judgement on the boy's actions. It seemed everyone in this land either spoiled their children or felt the need to constantly apologize for their behavior - she saw nothing wrong with his bold investigation of her. At his age a viking child would have been expected to be equally bold, though perhaps not so very garrulous. Besides, her attention had been drawn by the approach of a tall adult male of a similar coloration as the young boy. The father, presumably? His words confirmed it. "Welcome to Imperium. My name is Valentine Imperialis and I am the alpha here." Well now, the leader himself come to investigate the border, though perhaps with his own child having appeared here there was the possibility he'd simply come to find the missing boy. "It was a pleasure, Ashmedai Imperialis," she said, inclining her head solemnly to the child as his mother sought to herd him away. Turning her attention to Valentine she nodded to him, alpha to alpha.

"I am Katja Finnvi, alpha of Yfir in the north. I have only recently come into possession of it - you would perhaps have known it as Ebony, under Kassander Xanilov." She left off there, not explaining whether she'd challenged for the pack or been given it, as she had no idea what he knew of Ebony's war or how he stood with Kassander, holding that knowledge close for now until she could see his reaction. "I have come simply to acquaint myself with the few packs and their alphas. The boy is your son?"

"Talk" "You" Think