
Je Cours


06-23-2015, 02:05 PM

The titan was born to be King of the snow, his large broad paws carried him effortlessly through the snow. Giant toes would splay and his feet acted as snow shoes. He was scouting this strip of land while Nysa was a couple miles south, within calling distance. Covering land was easier when you had two sets of eyes rather than one. Prey was scarce here, but the scavenging would prove ever fruitful. With the decrease of food and the temperature the herbivores of the North were dropping. With the winter dragging on their energy stores were lacking. Which only would cause for prosperity in the lives of the two loners. He was in tip top shape, his pristine health would shine through his coat and the confident way he carried himself over the field.

With eyes and ears perked forward he wouldn't miss the struggle of the three legged she wolf. Deimos had even had to double take when he'd seen her, unsure if he saw what he thought he did. Indeed though, the girl struggled on three legs through the snow and up the incline. The massive wolf would watch as she failed in cresting the hill and her petite form would slide easily back down the incline.

Curious Deimos wouldn't miss the potential possibilities that presented themselves. His features were blank, he'd wiped the smirk that had lingered there for a moment as he came around the snow drift to look at her tossed figure. "Aren't you a cute little thing," he couldn't help but muse as his icy stare fell upon her obviously young features. She couldn't have been more than a year old.