
May The Songs Wash Clean Our Hearts


06-23-2015, 05:21 PM

A creeping sound from behind would not capture his attention at first, for the male was drawn upon the scenery of this wondrous place. "Who or what are you?" That's what would draw his attention. A feminine voice full of curiosity, a scent that was unknown to him. He turned to find his gaze falling on a woman much smaller then he, a feline of a grey complexion with much bushier fur then he. Her stature was much smaller then his own, but she appeared to be feline! With a twitch of his tail, it was his turn to be curious.

"Why, I could ask the same thing of you!" He exclaimed with a bit of humor. Never before had he seen a creature such as her, and it intrigued him greatly. He turned to face her, approaching a couple of steps before coming to a stop. He was relaxed, his posture non threatening and a curiously gentle gaze in his green eyes. "My name is Aqil, I'm a cheetah. However, I'm not like your average cheetah looks wise." He purred, a smile gracing his lips. Perhaps this would be an opportunity to entertain his new company with a history lesson about his kind! And maybe he could ask about hers! The thought made his paws tingle with excitement. "Pardon me, where are my manners this evening? What might your name be, Miss?"


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