
One potato, two potato [joining]



4 Years
06-23-2015, 07:56 PM

Warja couldn't help but fidget as she waited. Absentmindedly she nudged at the plants at her paws, gently rolling a bundle underfoot. Her gaze sought the distance as she considered the weight of what she was kind of just dropping on Kismet. Of course she'd explained to him her encounter with Katja in the oasis, but the story itself didn't quite explain why she'd chosen to seek out the pack. It was a feeling she couldn't explain, a hunch she couldn't shake, and while she felt without a shadow of a doubt that it was right for her, was it right for Kismet? That was a decision he was going to have to make.

The sound of an approach drew her from her reverie and Warja's gaze rose just in time to fix on Katja as she appeared. Warja politely dipped her head in response to Katja's greeting before launching into an explanation. "This is my friend Kismet and we are looking to join." Candidly, she went on to say, "I was very impressed with your description of Yfir when we talked at the Oasis. As you already know, I'm a healer, but healing isn't my only field of interest." In fact, healing only dominated her interests by a few notches. "I'm also very much interested in honing my skills as a warrior and if I may say so, I've very good at it." She dipped her head slightly, and resisted the urge to shrug. "Of course, you'll be the judge of that and I will readily accept whatever test you feel is necessary." She was getting ahead of herself. "That is, if you're accepting members."

Kismet was his own person and so Warja wouldn't say anymore on his behalf. She didn't really have the right to talk for him and besides, only he really knew what was best for himself.
