
Take a plain black marker and write this on your chest



9 Years
Athena I
06-24-2015, 12:28 AM

When the howl reached her ears she wasn't sure if she moved toward it because she genuinely wanted to or if it was purely on reflex. When she had joined the pack she had given herself such lofty goals with what she wanted to learn and all the wolves she wanted to meet, but she hadn't even started working toward any of those goals really. She hadn't spoken to a single member of this pack since the day she joined and so far there hadn't been an activity that she could take part in. She had attended the festival, but no one had spoken to her and she couldn't exactly spar, at least not yet, and she knew if she tried to participate in some large hunting party she would only be in the way. Unless she had missed it there had been no training in healing since she joined and that was the only thing she could see herself feasibly having any skill in.

She sighed as she followed the sound of the howl and sniffed the air for any signs of the scents of the other wolves that would be coming to the meeting. She had learned the layout of the pack lands pretty well, but she still traveled a good bit slower than the other pack members probably could. Her paws searched the ground ahead of her as she walked to ensure that she didn't run face first into a tree or large rock or some other obstacle. Finally she started to pick up on the scents of several wolves... and while she realized that there wasn't nearly as many as she thought there would be, as she got closer she realized that all of their scents had some sort of similar undertone to them. Were all of them related? She was almost positive they were. Suddenly feeling like even more of an outsider than before she settled onto her haunches a few feet back from the group, holding herself carefully as to not give away how uncomfortable and out of place she was feeling. She forced the tension out of her shoulders and kept her expression exquisitely smooth and passive.

"Talk" "You" Think