
Push Push {Lady Lightning}



2 Years
Dire wolf
06-25-2015, 01:41 PM

Mlezi had been stretched out under one of the many trees in the area,  taking a well needed nap when something had stirred her from her slumber. Ears flicked one by one at first, but as the wailing of a child continued on her ears quickly lay back against her skull in annoyance. Finally she couldn't take it any longer, the large lioness rolling onto her stomach and quickly rising to her large paws. She would take off at a quick pace, head held low and a displeased expression across her face. She wanted to know what the hell was going on and why it couldn't wait till she had woken up and moved out of the area.

Moving through the trees the lioness heard it wailing once more, a child's voice calling out daddy. Oh great, a cub. Green eyes rolled in further annoyance, grumbling to herself as she changed her path and headed in the direction the voice had come from. Why couldn't people take care of their damn kids these days? It wasn't that hard, you teach them what they need to know to survive on their own, keep them quiet so predators or competitors don't come around and attack you. And most of all, shut them up so people can go about their business in peace like they wanted!

At last she could see it, rounding an oddly shaped tree to see a spotted sub sitting at the base of a tree, seemingly throwing a fit for some reason. Mlezi was not one to attack one of her own kind, even if the creature was a smaller feline, but she had no problem calling them out or even scaring them off if it meant she would be in peace once again. So she lumbered on, raising her head as she grew closer to the child, eyes narrowed. “Mtoto! Kuwa na utulivu!” She hissed, stopping just a few feet in front of the child, eyes running over the kid momentarily then to the flying squirrel accompanying her, not that Mlezi knew what it was.

talk. think. you.