
Playing the Victim



04-05-2013, 11:02 AM

He confirmed her question, he was indeed a loner still and the only way it might change was if somebody wanted an injured old warrior like myself. If the price was right, of course. She gave a small nod of her head in understanding, he had told her last time that he had no desire to join a pack because he was so used to being alone. The shewolf was just curious is all, just wanted to see if he had changed him mind, but now she knew he didn't and probably wouldn't for some time. She was also curious as to what the price would have to be in order for him to join. A type of food, special privileges, certain females, certain sleeping quarters? She shook her head lightly, it was none of her business so she would try not to think about it.

I have been without a pack for a very long time, Loccian. I'm so accustomed to the life of a rogue that it would be a very difficult transition for me. Yes, she knew it would be difficult. After you developed something over time, it's very difficult to change that, some will try but only fail while others don't bother trying at all. There is a very few though that manage to change, and as grey eye looked this male over, she wondered what type he was. I understand, sorry for bringing it up again. She quickly apologized, looking away for a moment before taking a long, deep breath and cleared her throat. In that case, I wanna show you the herbs I used on your wounds. She turned and pulled the leaf bundles over, looking over at him with a smile. Are you familiar with what the plants around you can be used for? She asked him curiously, pulling out the herbs and spacing them out equally so she could explain what they looked like and what they would do to help him.
