
[ c h e c k m a t e ]



1 Year
06-25-2015, 11:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 12:17 PM by Valeria.)
Valeria Octavia Lycus Slayer
i can show you how many moves to check mate right now

Valeria Octavia Lycus Slayer - 1 Year - Winter - 32 inches - Loner - Single

Valeria is my newest wolf to the lands of alacritis and she is in need of contacts. Enemies are a fact of life and she is sure to make them, but she also seeks out friends to further her connections. She also looks for intel, and will often find "contacts" to feed her information from everywhere. This is a security system to make sure that no one from her family follows her around. She is looking for a love interest but I will not push it at this time! Hit me up :)

Fate Destruction
long may your innocence reign

Fate Destruction - 1 Year - Spring - 34 inches - Threar - Single

Fate is my little Destruction who isn't so little anymore. He is a future diplomat and guardian for the pack and loves learning more than anything. I'm looking for friends for him, since all he's really ever known is family, and maybe a crush if thread results allow it.

Calypsei Oceana
out of the frying pan and into the fryer

Calypsei Oceana - 1 Year - Winter - 40 inches - Abaven - Single (Crushing twice over)

Calypsei is a teen in full angst. She is torn and her hormones have gotten the best of her. She is crushing on one (possibly two) wolves and needs some guidance in that department. She is also looking to play out her evil alignment since she has been reserved for quite some time and is always looking for a fight. I am open for all plots with her.

Sorya Sotakiu-Silenci
and i will take everything from you if it's the last i do

Sorya Sotakiu-Silenci - 1 Year - Spring - 31 inches - Loner - Single

Sorya is a new wolf for me as well, and will be sticking close to her sisters Ellisa and Ritselli. What I do know is Sor is chivalrous and will do whatever it takes to protect the wolves that she loves. Now, I am looking for friends for her, and maybe a mentor, but no love interest or enemies just yet. Those will come later!

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