
Grand un-Vailing

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-26-2015, 01:43 AM

It had been a slow day, and Shaye wasn't really one for being cooped up in doors, but she also didn't want to leave her mothers side. She always made certain that if Rhythm or Shai weren't around then she was beside Motif, at least until after her siblings where born, then it would be the babies that Shaye would be smothering with her attention. To kill time the little one sketched with a claw, a favorite hobby of hers as she started to form a rough picture in the dirt. Almost without meaning to she started to see Shai, dancing across the ground in a skirt of feathers. She smothered a giggle at the image, knowing her mother was half resting. She was just doing some finishing touches on a bright sun in the corner with her mother cried out.

Shaye instantly knew what was going on and leaped up, running for the exit even as Motif cried out for her to fetch the required parties. She found Rhythm first, and even had a moment to grin in exhilarate joy at her heart as her roll model spoke the same words alongside her niece, but the moment was quickly over, with Rhy going one way and Shaye another. She found Shai and sprouted the same news, only the reaction she gained was drastically different. Her dad didn't seem to know what to do, but she shook her head, turned, and ran back to her mumma and Aunt. She wasn't going to miss this for the world! Shai would quickly catch her up, and father and daughter would race for the den. Shai wouldn't enter, but Shaye would, quickly reaching Rhythms side, having picked up a herb in the corner of the den prepared for this moment “Motherwort” Shaye said between the herb as she handed it to Rhythm, and awaited further instruction – this was Shaye's first pregnancy after all.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.