
Playing the Victim



04-05-2013, 01:00 PM

As she sat there, the small shewolf wondered if he was glad she didn't ask more questions about him. Didn't try going into something that was none of her business. Yes, naturally she was shy and quiet, staying out of most things but as time passed she found herself becoming more friendly towards those around her, talking more and trying to get to know people. But Bronze, this was only her second time meeting him. She had nothing close with him, just strangers that had met by coincidence. Perhaps that would change when they parted ways, whether that was soon or later on in the day, possibly tomorrow. Even as the seconds, minutes, an hour or more had passed, she was finding herself enjoying his company. Wanting to stay longer, was it silly? She had seen it happen a lot with other wolves, but by this time most of them had fallen for each other and were off already thinking about pups.

Half them were going off instinct I bet, just wanting to spread their genes. But then again, there is that half that actually fell for each other... So fast... what about me? She was thinking just before snapping out of it to Bronze's voice. There's no need to apologize... Perhaps I was simply hoping you'd try to convince me the Seracia pack is something worth considering. Her head went back a bit at this, was she really that foolish that she didn't think that? Was he joking or was he serious. Grey eyes quickly looked over his face, looking for a smirk that would let her know it was a joke, looking for something else that would tell her he was serious. The only thing she could find was he brow, but that didn't really help. And so, in that little search she had a slight surprised look on her face, but quickly shook it away, focusing instead on the herbs that the male admitted to know not the slightest clue about.

She cleared her throat, placing the tip of her paw on a small plant to Bronze's far left. This is Elderberry. It can help strengthen the body against infection, and help in treating several types of allergies. They help with all kinds of ear infections, and arthritis can be treated by it as well. She pushed it forward. It's a bushy shrub like plant that can reach a few feet in height... The flowers are usually formed in aromatic clusters of many star-shaped and white colored flowers, which can vary from bunches with flat-topped to the globular types of arrangement. When ripened, these will mature to produce berrylike and limb sagging fruits which can range in color from stark blue to an amber, and even red to a complete black. They are found in moist soils, especially those soils found in heavily forested areas, the plant also grows well along the soils in rocky slopes, and often prefers soils in cool ravines which are heavy in moisture.

She paused, grey eyes looking up at Bronze with a small smile. This would probably be too much information for him to process and keep stored in his head. She would make sure to kepe the rest of the information short and easy to remember. I'm sorry if this is too much, I will keep the rest short. Her laugh was light, a large smile on her face as she looked down and pointed to the next plant. This is Iris, or Blue Flag. It?s good for treating pain and bad wounds. In small doses, it can be used to ease vomiting and Nausea. Mostly the roots are used. She pushed it forward beside the Elderberry. It has elongated lance-shaped leaves with a pale lavender or bluish-purple bloom. They can be found in boggy areas mostly but can be found spread over wet or damp soil. There wasn't much, just those two and one more.

Loccian then placed a paw on the last plant, looking back up at Bronze. Lastly, I used Nettle. The whole plant has dark green leaves with serrated margins and small flowers branching from the stem. This is applied externally to treat cuts and wounds and stop bleeding... Any questions? She smiled at him when she finished. Even though it all seemed like a mouthful, the small shewolf was not out of breath and she seemed to enjoy sharing this information with them, which she definitely did. Loccian felt good knowing that she shared some basics with him and anyone else that sought her wisdom on the plants. Made her feel important.
