
For Laxago


04-05-2013, 01:21 PM

If I could make the world as pure,

and strange as what I see...

I'd put you in the mirror,

I put in front of me.

Laxago couldn't quite get comfortable now that she had woken up, and though she curled herself up and tucked her nose under the end of her tail with her paws all pulled under her body, she did not find sleep - especially not when she heard movement outside. She could only assume it to be Deteste, and the paladin female again shifted, settling onto her belly and dragging her muzzle to the side so that she could peer out towards the entrance of the den, catching side of her mate's backside and then upon the meal he had left just out of her reach. A slight frown curled over her lips, as though it was too much effort to grovel towards the sun and get her breakfast, but eventually Laxago dragged herself forth on her belly, reaching out and grabbing the foot of the bird before rapidly dragging it back towards her breast, wordlessly crunching on the bones, meat, and feathers alike; she wasn't exactly picky when it came to her eating habits, and she knew it made Deteste happier when she ate as voraciously as she usually did. Her muzzle was soon bloodied and her salmon tongue lapped against the edges, her pale gaze drifting towards the male where he sat at the water's edge, and after having eaten a solid meal, she supposed she ought to face the world for the day. Still, it was done with no grace, and she crawled out of the den without much care to how silly she may have looked, her weight resting on her belly as she all but swam through the gravel and drug herself to the water's edge, halting promptly when she reached it and allowing her forelegs to dangle lazily in the cool stream.